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  Kennedy II, Joseph P.
<-  2008-01-01  
NameJoseph P. Kennedy II
Boston, Massachusetts , United States
Website [Link]
Born September 24, 1952 (72 years)
Last ModifedRBH
Jun 13, 2020 02:48pm
Tags Irish - Divorced - Catholic - Straight -
InfoThe founder of Citizens Energy Corporation, Joseph P. Kennedy II has served as Chairman and President of the company since 1998 following 12 years of service representing the 8th Congressional District of Massachusetts in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Kennedy founded the non-profit company in 1979 to provide low-cost heating oil to the poor and elderly. Under his leadership, Citizens grew to encompass seven separate companies, including the largest energy conservation firm in the U.S. During his tenure, Citizens became one of the nation's first energy firms to move large volumes of natural gas to over 30 states. As a precursor to market changes under electricity deregulation in the late 1990s, Citizens was a pioneer in moving and marketing electrical power over the grid. More recently, Citizens has expanded its oil heat program to serve customers in 16 states and the District of Columbia, as well as pursued renewable energy projects involving wind and geothermal generation. Each commercial venture is aimed at generating revenues that in turn would be used to assist the poor and those in need in the United States and abroad.

During his 12 years on Capitol Hill, Kennedy devised creative and innovative approaches to addressing social needs, particularly in the ways that the private sector, rather than government agencies, could help communities achieve economic growth and prosperity. Kennedy's many initiatives included legislation that:

* Expanded the availability of credit to working Americans to buy homes and open businesses. Fair lending reforms introduced by Kennedy have allowed hundreds of thousands of families to obtain mortgages.

* Helped create hundreds of thousands of new affordable housing units nationwide by introducing tax credits to stimulate private investment in neighborhood housing developments.

* Proposed a balanced budget amendment as a vehicle to end skyrocketing deficits, bring down interest rates, and free up investment capital for business growth rather than government bonds.

* Overhauled federal public housing law for the first time in 60 years, giving local housing authorities the tools they need to raise standards while protecting the poorest Americans who depend on public housing for shelter.

* Preserved and expanded federal research and development accounts that stimulate the creation of new technologies and build the foundation for new jobs and business growth.

Throughout his career in Congress, Kennedy served on the House Banking Committee, where he played an active role in the federal savings and loan bailout, credit reporting reform, Glass-Steagall overhaul, and financial modernization. Kennedy also served on the House Veterans Affairs Committee, passing legislation to strengthen the veterans health care system, investigate the causes of Persian Gulf Syndrome, and provide medical treatment for veterans of the first Persian Gulf War.

In addition to his role as Chairman and President of Citizens Energy, Kennedy advises and serves on the boards of several companies in the energy, telecommunications, and health care industries. The son of the late U.S. Senator Robert F. Kennedy and Ethel Kennedy, Joe Kennedy is married to Beth Kelly Kennedy and is the father of twin sons. He is a graduate of the University of Massachusetts at Boston.


Title Purchase Contributor

Start Date End Date Type Title Contributor

Date Category Headline Article Contributor
Jan 28, 2010 07:00am News Joe Kennedy: Skipping Senate race 'wasn't the greatest decision'  Article John 
Jul 02, 2008 08:00pm Op-Ed by Candidate The costs of waiting for Big Oil to do the right thing  Article RP 
Jun 21, 2007 03:00pm News Vatican 'backs ex-Kennedy wife'  Article Brandonius Maximus 

Importance? 0.00000 Average

Son Joseph P. Kennedy, III 1980-
Father Robert F. Kennedy 1925-1968
Grandfather Joseph P. Kennedy, Sr. 1888-1969
Great-Grandfather Patrick J. "P. J." Kennedy 1858-1929
Uncle John F. Kennedy 1917-1963
1st Cousin Caroline Kennedy 1957-
1st Cousin John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Jr. 1960-1999
Aunt Kathleen Cavendish 1920-1948
Aunt Eunice Mary Kennedy Shriver 1921-2009
1st Cousin Bobby Shriver 1954-
1st Cousin Maria Shriver 1955-
1st Cousin Mark K. Shriver 1964-
1st Cousin Anthony Kennedy Shriver 1965-
Aunt Patricia Kennedy Lawford 1924-2006
Aunt Jean Kennedy Smith 1928-2020
Uncle Edward M. "Ted" Kennedy 1932-2009
1st Cousin Edward M. "Ted" Kennedy, Jr. 1961-
1st Cousin Patrick J. Kennedy 1967-
Grandmother Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy 1890-1995
Great-Grandfather John Francis "Honey Fitz" Fitzgerald 1863-1950
Sister Kathleen Kennedy Townsend 1951-
Brother Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. 1954-
Sister Kerry Kennedy 1959-
Brother Chris Kennedy 1963-
Brother Max Kennedy 1965-
Mother Ethel Skakel Kennedy 1928-2024
Grandfather George Skakel 1892-1955
Uncle George Skakel Jr. 1922-1966
1st Cousin Mark Skakel 1953-2010
Aunt Patricia Skakel Cuffe 1925-2000
1st Cousin CiarĂ¡n Cuffe 1963-

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  11/03/1992 MA District 8 Won 83.06% (+66.21%)
  09/15/1992 MA District 8 - D Primary Won 80.62% (+61.33%)
  11/06/1990 MA District 8 Won 72.24% (+49.61%)
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CO District 2 - D Primary - Aug 12, 2008 D Jared Polis