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  Dickerson, David
NameDavid Dickerson
Cockeysville, Maryland , United States
Website [Link]
Born Unknown
ContributorU Ole Polecat
Last ModifedRBH
Jan 06, 2015 06:24pm
InfoDavid was born in Baltimore City, and he grew up in a working class family from a variety of ethnic backgrounds. His one Grandfather was an immigrant from Scotland that landed at Ellis Island in New York and found his way to Baltimore. His Grandfather was a union member, and worked for Continental Can Company over 40 years in East Baltimore while married to his wife, Margaret Gallagher, whose descendents were originally from Donegal, Ireland, and she is 87 years old. His other Grandfather was a Veteran Marine that served in the Pacific during World War II, played semi-professional soccer and worked with the MTA as a track foreman for the streetcars. He was married to his wife Catherine Mueller, of German descent, whose family arrived in Baltimore in the 1800s as immigrants from Germany, and she is 94 years old. David’s wife is a legal permanent resident from Europe as well, so understanding how to reconcile cultural differences with different religion and thinking has been a part of his life. While growing up, his father was active with the Maryland National Guard during the Cuban Missile Crisis while working to support his family and going to night school to obtain a degree from the University of Baltimore. His father met his mother in Baltimore, and they have been married for 44 years. David has two brothers: Thomas, who attended Calvert Hall and Towson University, and Robert, who attended Loyola Blakefield, University of Virginia and Columbia University.

David grew up in a family where the only option was hard work and education. He worked as a custodian, part-time and full-time during the summers, as well as for Mars Supermarkets to help pay for his tuition at Calvert Hall College High School. When looking at colleges, and having a 5 year old brother at the time, there was no option to look at colleges out of state due to prohibitive tuition costs. David elected to attend Loyola College’s Sellinger S.J. School of Business while working part time for Food-A-Rama as a member of the United Food & Commercial Worker’s union during the school year, and as a member of the Teamsters union where he drove a truck for Coca Cola throughout East Baltimore during the summer months. He also worked for the Maryland State Highways at the Francis Scott Key Bridge Maintenance and for McCormick’s as a merchandiser. Aside from working and studying hard, David also was civic minded and was elected as the Student President for commuters which allowed him to raise money for the Variety Club and the Pediatric Oncology Therapy Center at Johns Hopkins Hospital. He was awarded the “Who’s Who Award of American Colleges and Universities” from the faculty of Loyola College for outstanding academic and community service when he graduated in 1984.

His keen interest in Global Affairs resulted in taking a job after graduation as an international marketing liaison at a world renowned sporting goods manufacturer in the Republic of China. He was able to work with people from around the world and understand the Mandarin Chinese way of thinking. David then returned to Maryland and found a business partner, with the capital, to purchase a small grocery store. Having owned his own small business taught him how people are the most important ingredient to its success, and how government needs to support small business as well. David was elected, as one of the youngest members, to the Mid-Atlantic Food Dealers Association Board of Directors to represent the issues of all food retailers. This provided him a clear prospective of what it meant to be a food distributor and worker. David later moved on to working for Bell Atlantic and underwent serious telecommunications training in Princeton, and then graduated from Johns Hopkins University in 1990 with a Masters degree in Information Technology Management.

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  09/12/2006 MD US Senate - D Primary Lost 0.67% (-43.00%)