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  Weller, Gerald C. "Jerry"
NameGerald C. "Jerry" Weller
Morris, Illinois , United States
Born July 07, 1957 (67 years)
ContributorBarack O-blame-a
Last ModifedJuan Croniqueur
Feb 13, 2024 09:16pm
Tags Divorced - Christian -
InfoCongressman Jerry Weller 45, was first elected to Congress in 1994 and is now serving in his fifth term representing the 11th District of Illinois. The newly shaped district blends a mix of suburban and rural communities that include Grundy County, La Salle County, Kankakee County and parts of Will, Bureau, McLean, Woodford and Livingston Counties.

Serving on the powerful House Ways & Means Committee since 1996, Weller has earned national recognition as a leader in his successful effort to eliminate the Marriage Tax Penalty and for his efforts to reform depreciation schedules effecting business. Sitting on the Select Revenue and Oversight Subcommittees, Weller has been a top Congressional advocate for protecting Social Security & Medicare and has successfully passed into law legislation providing tax incentives to promote the environmental clean up of abandoned Brownfield sites across the nation. Additionally, Weller has become the leading voice on the Ways & Means Committee in promoting issues affecting the new economy, the Internet, computer education and high technology. A leader in the effort to expand markets for Illinois manufactured goods and agricultural products, Weller earned a seat on the House International Relations Committee in 2003, where he serves on the Western Hemisphere and the Asian & Pacific Subcommittees. Weller also serves the Republican leadership as both an Deputy Majority Whip and as Chairman of the Republican Policy Committee?s Biotechnology and Information Technology Subcommittee.

A tireless advocate for Illinois families, Weller has amassed an impressive list of local accomplishments. In 1995, Weller successfully passed into law his top local priority, the redevelopment of the former Joliet Arsenal. Under Weller?s Arsenal plan, the Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie, the nations largest national prairie, and the Abraham Lincoln National Veterans Cemetery have been established. Also constructed at the site is one of North America?s largest intermodal truck, rail, freight facility, creating thousands of good paying jobs. Weller?s efforts in the establishment of the Midewin Prairie have earned him the prestigious Environmental Protector Award from the Chicago Audubon Society. Other local priorities include Weller?s efforts to establish & expand veterans outpatient health clinics in the 11th District, preservation of the Kankakee River, South Suburban & urban revitalization through Weller?s Brownfields tax credit, improved transportation through Metra, I-355 and a third airport, and the construction of Illinois? first National Guard Training Center in Marseilles.

A former State Representative in the Illinois General Assembly from 1988 to 1994, Weller is listed in the 1990 Almanac of Illinois Politics as"one of the rising stars" in Illinois politics. In 1995, Weller joined former President Jimmy Carter as an international observer for the Palestinian Elections in the Middle East. Serving as Chairman of the House Republican Israel Caucus during his second term in Congress, Jerry played an active role in helping to advance Middle East peace issues among his Republican colleagues.

The son of LaVern and Marilyn, Jerry was born in Streator, Illinois on July 7, 1957 and raised on his family?s fifth generation farm in Dwight, Illinois. A 1979 graduate of the University of Illinois with a degree in agriculture, Jerry worked as a sales representative with Proctor and Gamble following college. Weller served from 1980 to 1981 as an aide to former U.S. Rep. Tom Corcoran and from 1981 to 1985 as an aide to U.S. Secretary of Agriculture John Block. Jerry remained active in the family farm prior to his 1988 election to the Statehouse


Title Purchase Contributor

Start Date End Date Type Title Contributor

Date Category Headline Article Contributor
Sep 07, 2007 05:00pm Investigation Inside Rep. Weller's Nicaragua land deal  Article mtrz 
May 06, 2006 03:00pm Blog Entry Master of Ceremonies  Article ArmyDem 
Jul 09, 2004 12:00am Scandal Engagement raises eyebrows  Article RP 

Importance? 0.00000 Average

Wife Zury Mayté Ríos Sosa Nov 20, 2004- 00, 2020
Father In-Law Efraín Ríos Montt 1926-2018

  11/07/2006 IL - District 11 Won 55.10% (+10.19%)
  03/21/2006 IL District 11 - R Primary Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  11/02/2004 IL - District 11 Won 58.67% (+17.34%)
  11/05/2002 IL DIstrict 11 Won 64.32% (+28.64%)
  11/07/2000 IL District 11 Won 56.37% (+12.73%)
  11/03/1998 IL District 11 Won 58.81% (+17.62%)
  07/16/1997 US House Republican Conference Secretary Lost 0.00% (-50.69%)
  11/05/1996 IL District 11 Won 51.77% (+3.54%)
  03/19/1996 IL District 11 - R Primary Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  11/08/1994 IL District 11 Won 60.63% (+21.25%)
  03/15/1994 IL District 11 - R Primary Won 31.70% (+2.95%)
  11/03/1992 IL State House 075 Won 62.83% (+25.66%)
  11/06/1990 IL State House 085 Won 54.23% (+8.46%)
  11/08/1988 IL State House 085 Won 53.83% (+7.66%)
  11/04/1986 IL State House 085 Won 50.01% (+0.01%)
IL District 11-R Primary - Feb 05, 2008 R Timothy A. Baldermann
US President - R Primaries - Jun 03, 2008 R Rudy Giuliani
IL Governor - R Primary - Mar 21, 2006 R Ray LaHood
IL US Senate - R Primary - Mar 17, 1998 R Peter G. Fitzgerald