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  Tasco, Marian B.
<-  2004-01-01  
NameMarian B. Tasco
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania , United States
Born 00, 1937 (88 years)
Last ModifedScott³
May 07, 2007 10:23pm
InfoCouncilwoman Marian B. Tasco serves Philadelphia's Ninth Councilmanic District,
which includes sections of Mt. Airy, Olney, West Oak Lane, Lawndale, and
Lawncrest. She represents approximately 165,000 constituents. Re-elected to
serve a fourth term in November 1999, Tasco chairs the Public Health & Human
Services Committee and is Vice Chair of the Finance Committee. She also holds
membership on the Commerce & Economic Development, Legislative Oversight; Parks,
Recreation, & Cultural Affairs; Fiscal Stability and Intergovernmental
Cooperation; and Public Transportation & Public Utilities Committees. Tasco's
colleagues also unanimously elected her Majority Whip of the City Council of
Philadelphia, January 2000.

Councilwoman Tasco is a consultant trainer for the YWCA Institute for Public
Leadership, sponsored by the National Board of the YWCA. This organization
prepares women for candidacy, campaign management, and issue advocacy. She has
also been a national campaign adviser for many local and statewide candidates
across the United States.

Councilwoman Tasco worked as a Task Force Coordinator for the Philadelphia Urban
Affairs Coalition from 1970-1976. She also served as an assistant to the
Secretary of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Shortly afterwards, Tasco became
the Campaign Manager for William H. Gray III in his 1978 Congressional bid.
After a successful election, she became Director of Constituent Services in
Congressman Gray's Philadelphia office.

Elected to public office in 1983, Tasco served until February 1987 as one of
three City Commissioners overseeing voter registration and elections for the
City of Philadelphia. She became the first African American elected City
Commissioner in the State of Pennsylvania and for the County of Philadelphia. As
City Commissioner, Tasco developed a voter education and registration program
for students in local high schools. This program organized and motivated
students to increase voter registration among young people.

Furthermore, Tasco was also elected Ward Leader of the renowned "Mighty-Mighty
50* Ward Democratic Executive Committee" in 1987. Under Tasco's leadership, this
enlightened community and its committee people have maintained their
distinguished position in local politics, by having the highest voter turnout of
all neighborhoods and other wards in the City of Philadelphia.

Tasco was elected to the City Council of Philadelphia in 1987. While serving as
a member of Council, Tasco has chaired the Committee on Commerce and Economic
Development which launched the Workforce 2000 Conference and Advisory Council
which she now co-chairs. In this capacity, she developed a program called "Shoot
for the Stars," which uses sports and entertainment figures to prepare young
people for the world of work. This program was funded, in part, by the
Pennsylvania Department of Labor.

Councilwoman Tasco attended Bennett College in Greensboro, North Carolina. She received her Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Education from Temple

Councilwoman Tasco is the widow of the late Thomas Earl Williams. She has a son, Charles Tasco III. She also has two granddaughters, Ashley and Charlie, and a grandson, Armand.


Title Purchase Contributor

Start Date End Date Type Title Contributor

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Dec 30, 2011 05:00pm General Philly Councilwoman Will ‘Retire’ for One Day, Collect a $478K Pension, and Return on Monday  Article Thomas Walker 

Importance? 0.00000 Average


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  05/15/2007 Philadelphia City Council 09 - D Primary Won 71.90% (+60.00%)
  01/05/2004 Philadelphia City Council Majority Whip Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  11/04/2003 Philadelphia City Council 09 Won 87.88% (+75.76%)
  11/02/1999 Philadelphia City Council 09 Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  11/07/1995 Philadelphia City Council 09 Won 86.39% (+72.78%)
  11/05/1991 Philadelphia City Council 09 Won 85.93% (+71.85%)
  05/19/2015 Philadelphia City Council 09 - D Primary Lost 0.00% (-99.97%)
Mayor of Philadelphia - D Primary - May 16, 2023 D Cherelle L. Parker
DNC Party Chair - Feb 25, 2017 D Keith M. Ellison
Mayor of Philadelphia - D Primary - May 19, 2015 D James F. "Jim" Kenney
PA US President - D Primary - Apr 22, 2008 D Hillary Clinton