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ASIN0141180374 - Purchase This Book
Last ModifiedCraverguy - March 17, 2009 03:11pm
DescriptionIn an end-of-the-world novel that soars from New Delhi to New Orleans, Gore Vidal takes on the unmitigated folly of born of the unholy partnership of religion, the media, and a public that longs for a savior. The eponymous hero, born and bred in America's Midwest, has established himself in Nepal and put out the word that he is the last incarnation of the god Vishnu. An imminent doomsday -- ignited by Kalki's own actions -- will end the current cycle of creation, clear the planet of overpopulation and pollution, and, most important, clear the way for a new human race, with Kalki himself as its progenitor. He attracts the attention of the CIA and the State Department as a suspected drug trafficker and/or foreign agent, but it is Theodora "Teddy" Ottinger, investigative journalist, Amelia Earhart aviatrix, and "breaker of records and men's self-esteem," who chronicles Kalki's crusade with the witty self-assurance of a woman whose selection as one of the creators of the new civilization is merely icing on the top of an extraordinary life.

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