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  "Courage and Kindness: Becca Balint does the work" TVAd
Race08/09/2022 - VT At-Large - D Primary
Run Date(s)2022-06-09
Run Time00:00:30
Ad ToneBiography
For CandidateBecca Balint
Last EditedRP  Jun 09, 2022 08:51am
Logged 0
DescriptionBecca Balint has the record and does the work. In a time when it has never been more important to elect leaders we can trust, Becca is a former public school teacher, mom, and President of the Vermont Senate who believes that, even in the face of extraordinary challenges, we cannot back away from fighting for each other. As leader of the State Senate, Becca led the charge to pass the first gun safety laws in Vermont history, the strongest reproductive rights in the nation, and the largest investment in affordable housing in a generation.

Under Becca’s leadership Vermont has passed the first environmental justice bill in state history, raised the minimum wage, passed paid sick leave, secured public employee pensions, and so much more. She is running in the August 9, 2022 primary for Congress to deliver on Medicare for All, a Green New Deal, and racial, economic, and housing justice.
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